As Fleischer Studio's musical director, Lou Fleischer applied his impressively vast knowledge of music to arranging complex soundtracks from popular songs and snips from the world of music. No one is more responsible for creating the Fleischer sound then Lou Fleischer and Fleischer Studio's in-house composer Sammy Timberg. Most of the studio's film soundtracks were composed and created by Lou Fleischer and Sammy Timberg together. By deconstructing the following cartoons, one can explore and identify all the individual pieces that come together to make an extraordinary entertainment masterpiece:
bimbo's express
minding the baby
admission free
rudy vallée melodies
betty boop's bizzy bee
romantic melodies
betty boop for president
betty boop's museum
is my palm read
popular melodies
song shopping
betty boop's big boss
musical memories
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